PDX @ X-Mas is Cold AF / by Rob LeRoy

Is this even English, anymore? Who can tell. Anyhoo, I went to Portland for Christmas to visit Hag and see the triumphant return of the Burlesque Nutcracker. Along the way, I hugged and laughed with many friends, and visited some very fancy and/or interesting hotels, including the W in Seattle, the McMenamin’s in Centralia (which had long been on my bucket list), the Springhill Suites next to the PDX airport (which wasn’t), The Kennedy School, and the oddly-name Hyatt Centric in downtown Portland. I ate incredible Thai food, drank lots and lots of wine and whiskey and beer, and probably did several other things. It was really nice, and incredibly, miserably, Oh-My-God-Why-Am-I-Doing-This-To-Myself cold as fuck. So cold, in fact, that I ended up being stuck there for three extra days because whiny bitch-ass pilots wouldn’t fucking take me home. Anyhoo, here are some pictures from along the way.

Fuji X100-V

iPhone 12 Pro